Governors’ Behaviour Principles

Governors’ Behaviour Statement



1. Statement of Behaviour Principles Requirement and Application

Under the Education and Inspection Act 2006, school governing bodies are charged with the duty to set the framework of school policy by providing a written statement of general principles relating to behaviour and discipline, taking into account the needs of the pupils.

The following has been approved by the Woolmore Primary School Board of Governors. It applies to all adults employed by, volunteering at or providing services to Woolmore Primary School (the School).

Similarly, given the duty of care to pupils, this statement and the policies that both stem from it and are influenced by it (e.g. appropriate contact, anti-bullying and exclusions) applies to all pupils when in School, when travelling to and from School and when engaged in extra-curricular activities and residential trips.

2.  Behaviour Principles and Safeguarding Statement for Woolmore Primary School

 We, the Board of Governors of Woolmore Primary School:

  • adopt and support the School in achieving its values, safeguarding its rights and following its rules (all set out at paragraph 4);
  • respect and value all members of the School community and are committed to providing a caring, friendly and secure environment for all pupils so that they can learn and achieve success in a safe and happy environment;
  • recognise our responsibility to safeguard all who access our School and we promote the welfare of all pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional abuse, neglect and bullying;
  • value the strong relationships that exist in the School which leads to mutual respect and we encourage positive behaviour;
  • have high expectations of everyone and we will actively promote equality of value whether race, gender, age, sexuality, religion or disability; and
  • seek to eliminate all forms of discrimination, harassment and bullying.

This statement will be applied with consistency and fairness with regard to each individual situation.

3. Monitoring School Discipline and Understanding Pupil Requirements

It is recognised that on occasions sanctions may be necessary to demonstrate that seriously inappropriate behaviour is unacceptable; to express the disapproval of the community; and to deter other pupils from similar behaviour.  The Board of Governors will monitor the School in this regard.

It is recognised that sanctions will enable the pupil to reflect upon and learn from their behaviour and make reparation wherever possible.  Because of the focus on positive behaviours and the opportunities for pupils to learn from their mistakes, the Board of Governors expects lower than the national average rates of exclusion.

Some pupils, for example those with special educational needs, physical or mental health needs can experience particular difficulties with behaviour and the School will seek to ensure that such pupils receive behavioural support according to their need.  However, when making decisions the School must balance the needs of the individual with those of the School community and where pupil behaviour places others at risk, the safety of the pupil body as a whole is paramount.

The Governing Body works with all members of the School community to understand the pupils and their circumstances and believe this relationship is an important part in building a strong learning community.

4. The School Values, Rights and Rules

Our Values – We believe all children can achieve success:

  • Respect we are interested in others;
  • Behaviour we are kind, polite, honest and follow the rules;
  • Communication – we listen, think and speak confidently;
  • Learning we put learning first, we work hard and show resilience;
  • Pride – we celebrate success;
  • Together – we work and play together to make a happy school; and
  • Care – we keep safe and make healthy choices.

 Our Rights:

  • we have the right to feel safe;
  • to be able to learn; and
  • to be treated fairly and to have a voice.

Our Rules of Responsibility for Good Behaviour:

  • be polite, kind, listen and follow adult requests;
  • be safe and sensible – we always walk (not run) around school and do the right thing at the right time;
  • be responsible – keep our hands and feet to ourselves; and
  • be respectful of others – their belongings, their feelings, their views and their opinions.

5. References

Behaviour and discipline in schools: a guide for headteachers and school staff.  DfE 2012

Dealing with allegations of abuse against teachers and other staff. Guidance for local authorities, headteachers, school staff and governing bodies, DfE 2012

Ensuring good behaviour in schools: a summary for headteachers, governing bodies, teachers, parents and pupils DfE 2012

Exclusion from maintained schools, Academies and PRUs in England, DfE 2012

Updated October 2014

Review date: September 2015

This document will be reviewed on an annual basis, unless changes in law or regulation necessitate an exceptional review.