

Safeguarding in school

Keeping our children safe at the beginning and the end of the day

To make sure that all our Woolmore pupils are safe at the beginning and end of the school day, here is a reminder of our dropping-off and collection policy:

If you drive your child/children to school

  • Park your car in a safe place.
  • Bring your child/children into the school playground
  • DO NOT drop children off and let them walk alone
  • DO NOT stop your car in the middle of the street
  • This is dangerous and inconsiderate behaviour

If you walk your child/children to school

  • You must walk with your child/children, cross the road safely and bring them into the playground.
  • DO NOT let them walk along the street without you
  • The school cannot be responsible for your child until he/she is in the playground


  • Breakfast Clubs are from 8.00-8.45 am
  • The playground gate is opened at 8.50 am
  • The morning bell goes at 9.00
  • The school day finishes at 3.30
  • Clubs finish at 4.30

In summary: bringing your child/children to school means bringing them into the playground.

When parents and the school work together to keep our children safe it sets a very good example to our pupils and will help them to grow up to be responsible citizens.

Safeguarding online

These websites explain why and how to keep your children safe online, there are help-sheets and videos to demonstrate how to set parental controls, how to choose a mobile phone, what to do if your child wants to spend too long on their device, etc

This is a selection of videos on Youtube, and there are many more.


Privacy and safety controls

Click below to download set up instructions for privacy and safety controls for: